CNC Bending

Bending is one of the most important process in sheet metal part forming. Avitron’s capacity includes bending of length upto 4m. We Have:

Amada HFE 220 4L – upto 4m length and 220 tons

Hindustan EHP 110 – upto 3m length and 110 tons

Amada RG 80 – upto 2.5m length and 80 tons

Amada ES 3136 – upto 1.5m length and 36 tons

What makes a difference is a perfect combination of speed and accuracy. We have a team of highly experienced personnel that helps us in enhanced capacity and reduced setup time which in turn enable us to bend parts with high level of customization.

Amada HFE 220-4L

Technical Specification

Attention: The internal data of table “5” is corrupted!

Amada ES 3136

Technical Specification

Attention: The internal data of table “8” is corrupted!